To give you an impression of our company addresses, we provide you with sample data . Still questions? Then go to the FAQ down ↓↓
Many providers focus on German addresses and only offer addresses from Austria as a side business. With us you will receive data exclusively specialized in Austria or Germany. We maintain our self-collected data base with additional mechanisms that are specifically tailored to the international market. With us you get more and more differentiated data potential for Austria and Germany than with other providers.
Benefit from professionally collected and individually categorized company addresses. Your planned marketing campaign will be a success with us . Simply ask us and we will make you a non-binding offer.
Purchased or rented addresses are generally of higher quality than, for example, data from printed business directories. You will receive valuable additional information such as the size of the company or often the contact person, the website, the telephone number and much more. In addition, the addresses are more up-to-date - so there are far fewer cases in which the recipient could not be reached.
Legal certainty:
There are many black sheep in the address business and since the introduction of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), even reputable providers are uncertain about what is still permitted. We only deal with company addresses that are available in published form. This means you are protected when purchasing an address, as long as you only use the postal address without a contact person. Although you will also receive telephone numbers and email addresses from us as additional information, we cannot accept any liability for their use for advertising purposes.
Fair prices:
Compared to other providers, we always guarantee you a particularly low price. Through automated processes, professional tools and clever use of the latest technologies, we save a lot of time, which we can pass on to you in the form of particularly fair prices. In this way we can offer even the smallest selections.
Our quality promise:
Our data is subject to various testing mechanisms to ensure the highest possible quality standards. Error rates are only 10% on average. If the quota is higher, please contact us directly. In this case, we ask you to send the errant errors to us - as proof and to clean up the data base. In return, you will receive a generous voucher for new addresses according to your desired criteria or a partial credit if you wish.
Another plus point is the format of the address file - we deliver our packages in CSV and Excel formats. This means you can easily import the data into your existing system or use it for form letters.
If you wish, in addition to the company addresses, you can also select a variety of other information as a mandatory criterion, including contact details in the form of email addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers or websites.
Simply contact us here !
Many providers focus on German addresses and only offer addresses from Austria as a side business. With us you will receive data exclusively specialized in Austria or Germany. We maintain our self-collected data base with additional mechanisms that are specifically tailored to the international market. With us you get more and more differentiated data potential for Austria and Germany than with other providers.
Benefit from professionally collected and individually categorized company addresses. Your planned marketing campaign will be a success with us . Simply ask us and we will make you a non-binding offer.
Purchased or rented addresses are generally of higher quality than, for example, data from printed business directories. You will receive valuable additional information such as the size of the company or often the contact person, the website, the telephone number and much more. In addition, the addresses are more up-to-date - so there are far fewer cases in which the recipient could not be reached.
Legal certainty:
There are many black sheep in the address business and since the introduction of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), even reputable providers are uncertain about what is still permitted. We only deal with company addresses that are available in published form. This means you are protected when purchasing an address, as long as you only use the postal address without a contact person. Although you will also receive telephone numbers and email addresses from us as additional information, we cannot accept any liability for their use for advertising purposes.
Fair prices:
Compared to other providers, we always guarantee you a particularly low price. Through automated processes, professional tools and clever use of the latest technologies, we save a lot of time, which we can pass on to you in the form of particularly fair prices. In this way we can offer even the smallest selections.
Our quality promise:
Our data is subject to various testing mechanisms to ensure the highest possible quality standards. Error rates are only 10% on average. If the quota is higher, please contact us directly. In this case, we ask you to send the errant errors to us - as proof and to clean up the data base. In return, you will receive a generous voucher for new addresses according to your desired criteria or a partial credit if you wish.
Another plus point is the format of the address file - we deliver our packages in CSV and Excel formats. This means you can easily import the data into your existing system or use it for form letters.
If you wish, in addition to the company addresses, you can also select a variety of other information as a mandatory criterion, including contact details in the form of email addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers or websites.
Simply contact us here !

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Fair prices
Compared to other providers, we always guarantee you a particularly low price. Through automated processes, we save a lot of time, which we can pass on to you in the form of particularly fair prices.

Legal certainty
We only deal with company addresses that are available in published form. This means you are protected when purchasing an address, as long as you only use the postal address without a contact person. No liability can be accepted for these!

Save yourself the tedious search and time-consuming compilation of suitable address material for your marketing campaign. Many mistakes can also happen when generating target group data independently!

Great contact person
A permanent contact person for all matters. As soon as we get really deep into the subject matter, we bring in experts from the relevant area. Particularly important: short, direct routes and everything at eye level.

Much experience
Over seven years of full service on the market provide a wealth of experience that is just waiting to be passed on. Nothing is off the shelf here, everything runs at eye level and is underpinned by extensive practical experience.

Low error rates
Unfortunately, errors cannot be avoided in principle, but unchecked data from the Internet can contain up to 40% outdated information. The normal range is an average of 10%!
Still questions? Here you find the answers.
Frequently asked questions on the topic: